This release contains enhancements in
the MapImagery Encryption File Cutter and Key Cutter tools to make
it easier to process a large number of imagery files. In
particular a single .MIK file can now be used to apply the same key
for a whole directory of .MIE files. The Key Cutter tool has
been enhanced to enable this, and the .MIE raster handler has been
enhanced to support this on the client side.
The MapImagery Encryption File Cutter tool has been enhanced so
that there is an option to encrypt a whole directory of .ECW files
into .MIE files at once.
The addition of checksum bytes makes the transmission of keys via
phone less error prone.
A Vendor profile .MIV file has been implemented. This file
contains vendor company name and contact details for inclusion in .MIE
headers and .MIK files. A signed copy of of this file can be
obtained from MapImagery by vendors who have purchased a full
commercial license of MapImagery Encryption.
Additional .MIE checksums have been implemented in this release.
This change has some advantages in detecting corrupt .MIE files.
However, what it also means is that images encrypted with previous
versions of MapImagery Encryption may not be able to be read by the
new raster handler. This is a one off change, and in
future backward compatibility will be a feature of the .MIE format
and raster handerlers. |